Harrison County Lifelong Learning is an approved site for proctored exams for several post secondary institutions. Students needing a test, midterm or final proctored should contact the center to set up an appointment and confirm a test proctoring information has been received from their instructor.
Effective October 25, 2019, Harrison County Lifelong Learning has implemented a $25.00 flat rate fee for all proctor tests. If an institution pays a portion of the proctoring fee, students are responsible for the remaining balance. Cash or money order is only accepted at the testing appointment.
For institutions outside of Kentuckiana, students and instructors can contact Harrison County Lifelong Learning through SmarterProctoring.
Staff at Harrison County Lifelong Learning are trained to administer the Accuplacer test for Ivy Tech Community College. Prospective students should call Lifelong Learning for an appointment. Students will need to bring their student identification number and valid photo identification to testing.
The Harrison County Community Foundation has an Adult Scholarship Program to assists Harrison County residents who have completed at least 50% of the required credit necessary in obtaining a Bachelor’s or Associate’s degree. In order to be eligible, individuals must be at least 25 years old and must demonstrate legal residency for the past 24 months. Scholarship awards may be used for tuition, course-related fees and books only. To submit an application, visit the Scholarship page at Harrison County Community Foundation.
Harrison County Lifelong Learning is an Ambassador organization with the Education Matters initiative, helping to strengthen the Southern Indiana workforce and improve the economic advantages of our region by increasing the educational attainment of those adults with some form of post-secondary education but no degree or certification. EMSI provides support services and scholarships to help adults complete a degree or certification in partnership with higher education, Adult Education, WorkOne and other community partners.
Enacted by the 2015 General Assembly, You Can Go Back. is a statewide campaign that aims to help the 750,000+ Hoosier adults with some college but no degree finish what they started. With $7.5 million in state grants available for adult students, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education is reaching out to Hoosiers directly and connecting them with Indiana colleges that are committed to eliminating barriers for returning adults. The Indiana Commission for Higher Education also offers the Adult Student Grant to assist starting or completing an associate’s degree, baccalaureate degree, or certificates by providing a $1,000 grant. It is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of working adults.
Harrison County Lifelong Learning is a proud member of the College Success Coalition. This network is comprised of more than 90 local organizations interested in increasing college access and success for the young people of Harrison County. Lifelong Learning maintains information on local colleges, including applications, admission materials and financial aid tools. This information is free to the public and available in the learning center lobby. Students may also use the computer lab to apply online or access college-related information.