The new mission of Harrison County Lifelong Learning is to advance the knowledge and skills, through programs that enrich the lives of Harrison County residents, while meeting the needs of the community. Harrison County Lifelong Learning will be a leader in connecting Harrison County residents to the resources needed to be successful.
Harrison County Lifelong Learning partners with several educational institutions and community resources to increase the skills and abilities of local citizens while empowering and enriching their lives in an effort to promote a lifetime of learning. Please let us know if there is a class you would like offered.
For the latest on class offerings, Upcoming Events and Test Sessions, check us out on social media!
CompTIA A+ Certification Course
Beginning March 17, Harrison County Lifelong Learning, in partnership with Ivy Tech Community College of Southern Indiana, will begin offering another CompTIA A+ certification program. This comprehensive 100-hour course will prepare students for the CompTIA A+ Essentials certification exam and builds practical job skills for an in-demand job in the IT field. Classroom instruction will be broken down into two 8-week courses to set students up for success on both parts of the A+ exam. The program will meet every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM until July 14, 2020. The CompTIA A+ program is STATE FUNDED. If a student qualifies through an application process, there will be no cost to attend the course. For more information, contact Matthew Cupp, Employer Consultant at Ivy Tech, 812-248-2614 or Mcupp10@ivytech.edu.
Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification Series
Harrison County Lifelong Learning and Purdue University Manufacturing Extension Partnership are offering a Six Sigma Green Belt Training to area employers beginning April 21. Participants will leave the training with a thorough understanding of the DMAIC process, data collection techniques and the statistical methods used in Six Sigma projects. Once certified, Green Belts often assist Black Belts with major projects and can independenly lead minor projects. The courses will run Tuesdays, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM, April 21 – May 26. To register, contact Harrison County Lifelong Learning.
For more information on participant cost, contact Michael Dees, Lead Industry Advisor at Purdue MEP, 812-590-9188 or DeesM@purdue.edu.
Low-Cost Computer Classes
Harrison County Lifelong Learning and Harrison County Public Library are partnering to offer affordable computer education classes to area residents. The courses will allow students to explore various features of the software and will be taught by experienced instructors. Introduction to Google Suite, Introduction to Microsoft Office and Exploring Microsoft Excel all begin in February. Check out our Computer Education page for details.
Adult Education Announces New Hours
Effective January 13, 2020, River Valley Resources’ Adult Education and English Language Learner classess will be available on Mondays and Thursdays from 11:30 AM – 3:15 PM. The classes are designed to help students master basic skills and successfully pass the Indiana high school equivalency test. Additionally, adults who have graduated from high school are welcome to attend if they need to improve skills in preparation for employement, career advancement or college entrance exams. For students who need to improve their English language skills, these classes aim to help with grammar, English fluency, and reading comprehension. They also offer additional support to ensure educational success.
Career Center Now Open!
WorkOne services are now housed in the new Career Center, located in a front office of the learning center. Individuals have access to computer workstations in the new Career Center for job search and other work-related activities. A Career Coach is available on Mondays and Thursdays from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM.
Clients can stop in to conduct job searches, complete a skills assessment, develop a career plan and receive information on workforce training, referrals, and placement services.